I have no idea where to start one of these things, but at the time it seemed like a good idea and it still does now after spending so long trying to decide how to make it look. 

Where did the inspiration come from?

I recently went to see a new movie at our local cinema called "The Duff" and that's really where this came from. The idea that all of us girls should stand together on all matters of life rather than considering ourselves worse or better than others really struck a cord with me. So after considering that the best way for me to connect with other girls was to blog, I went about designing one. 

Stand Together.. Finish Together.. where did the name originate from?

Many nights of searching the internet in my bedroom or during my lunch hour at work. After searching inspirational quotes for women, using popular sites such as Pinterest (massive fan), other bloggers and my own lovely thoughts the name finally came together. I want the blog to bring together girls from all over the world who can share tips and advice on life. Not just on beauty, health, fitness or magazines but everyday matters that affect us all throughout life. 

What sort of content is Stand Together going to include?

Everything and anything, I love to write and find that on a daily basis there's always something to discuss, or maybe that's just my life? (laughs) No, I think everyday something happens to someone, somewhere, that needs to be talked about with other people. Discussing true life matters is something I don't think we do enough these days, not just things that happen to me that im sure you can all relate to but experiences that happen to everyone.